IMichael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett are well known as living incarnations of the immortal and malevolent Elder Gods, and this year they were kind enough to supply us with the single best list of the worst:
10. 300: Rise of an Empire (7,020 votes)
300 prequel to answer the question: what happened to all the shirts? Favorite scene: when all the guys start chanting “THIS IS SPARTA!!…WELL IT ISN’T QUITE SPARTA YET, BUT IT’S WELL ON ITS WAY TO BECOMING SPARTA, LOOK WE’RE DOING OUR BEST, OKAY?”
9. Noah (7,620 votes)
How do you zazz up the most cataclysmic story in the Bible? Easy! Add fallen angels who become battlin’ rock monsters! It’s a knock-down drag out stone-fisted Genesis Retcon, and this time it’s heretical. Starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Green Alligators, Long-Neck Geese, Humpty-back Camels and some Chimpanzees.
Want to see the rest of their list? CLICK HERE. And be sure to buy at least ten (okay, make it twelve) RIfftrax riffs. And visit the web site right here regularly. Like, daily. TWICE a day.