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zero theoremTerry Gilliam movies are like childbirth, vision quests, Scientology, and parenting: if you haven’t, like, them, you don’t, like, get f;”>them. So quick: run out immediately, steal from children if you must, and see Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Time Bandits, Brazil, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, and 12 Monkeys. Then meet us back here.

zero theorem 2Okay, done? Good. Because then and only then will you understand why all of us here at AmityvilleNow GlobalTech InterWeb, Inc. are crazy for this international trailer of Gilliam’s next film, Zero Theorem. It’s all Gilliam all the time, a clear and dazzling spiritual sequel to the sheer nuttiness of Brazil (there’s a pun in there somewhere), along with a whole new and very welcome level of cinematic quality – beauty, just beauty.

Word has just come down from On High that Zero Theorem will be released in U.S. theaters on September 19. We’re going to be the first in line. And damn it, there better be a good long line right behind us because this is Terry Gilliam, man. GILLIAM!