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Misery 1Clearly horror fans everywhere have died and gone to heaven. A kind of heaven, anyway.

Truthfully, could there be any better collision of talent and ambition than this, Mister Man? Apparently, William Goldman – the utterly brilliant novelist and screenwriter behind Marathon Man, Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, Magic and so much more, wrote this adaptation a couple of years ago, and it had a short test run in Pennsylvania in 2012. Now Bruce friggin’ Willis and the hugely underrated Laurie Metcalfe (Roseanne, Leonard’s Mom on Big Bang Theory) are bringing Paul Sheldon and Annie Wilkes to Broadway in October and November.

It’s actually a brilliant idea; virtually the entire story of the disaffected romance novelist and his crazed Number One Fan takes place in Annie’s tiny, isolated house – a great opportunity for an essentially two-person stage play. Too bad nobody thought of it earlier…and how great that artists of this caliber are finally doing it.

And you critics better watch yourselves. Annie does not suffer doodie-heads gladly. Or at all. Have you ever heard of “hobbling”…?