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Its been an … interesting run for Peter Capaldi as The Doctor. Looking back, he’s probably the most ill-served actor to come into the series since, arguably, Colin Baker … or maybe ever. His first few episodes (or seasons) are generally held as among the weakest since the series was revived, full of poor plotting, self-referential chaos and mugging. About the only good thing in all of it was Capaldi himself, whose sheer force of personality kept people (at least some people) watching. Only with the arrival of the newly female Master/Missy did things begin to turn around. And then this season, with the introduction (however temporary!) of Bill and Nardole, as well as the integration of Missy deep into the ‘last’ plot line … well, finally, finally, Capaldi got the cast, the story, and the show he deserved.

Of course everything’s back in an uproar now with Capaldi’s departure and that arrival of that woman, but during a recent appearance at a panel at SDCC Capaldi himself gave the best summary of his stint in the TARDIS and, I think, put us back on the right track. And also reminded us why, despite all the dreck that was pitched at him on and off camera, he really was a damn fine Doctor. Take a look: