How could you “spare no expense” on a mutli-million-dollar facility designed to keep big, dangerous animals in their cages…and not have reliable cell or radio service? And why didn’t you notice this earlier?
When pteronodons and pterodactyls are dive-bombing innocents and dragging them into the air, your best idea is to…climb up on top of a jeep and stand up as high as you can?
Okay, a 12-year-old kid can get a Land Rover that was abandoned twenty years earlier to work again just by replacing its battery with another 20-year-old battery. But where did they get the gas?
Wait, where did all the helicopter pilots go? Mr. Masrani left his vomiting in the bushes, but didn’t the mercenaries being any? Who was flying the choppers that brought them to the island?
Why would you leave the original Grand Hall of Jurassic Park intact, right down to the banners on the ground and the vehicles in the shed? No salvage at all? And even if you did…why would you leave the door open, simply for safety reasons?
All right, the fancy shoes weren’t your fault. Things happens kind of fast. But why not break off the heels to make it easier to run. Or at least take one off to hit Owen when he gets all sassy?
So you swear to those kids that you’ll never leave them alone ever again…then you immediately leave them alone in the back of that truck. And when they try to talk to you through the window, you repeatedly slam it in their faces.
Where did the Indominus Rex learn to speak Raptor? He’d never even met one before. And if he knew that just by, you know, genetics… how come he couldn’t speak T-Rex? Clearly they were related, too.
When the great, huge dinosaur is loose among the populace, your first idea isn’t “Release the T-Rex”? Have you not seen any Godzilla movies?
How far can a pterodactyl fly? Look out, Costa Rica…