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We here at take our horror pretty seriously. (Have you noticed how it’s impossible to be sarcastic online? Have you? Really?) But sometimes you just gotta laugh.

Face it: most “funny” horror movies — the ones that try to be funny intentionally — are pretty lame. The Scary Movie series has fewer real laughs per hour that any random episode of Bates Motel. And most of the others simply don’t understand the horror movie tropes well enough to make proper fun of them. (Ghost Team One is one of those rare exceptions. If you haven’t seen it yet, do.)

But Fear Town, USA clearly gets it. Sure, it has production value somewhere near Super 8 — and we don’t mean the movie, Super 8, we mean actual Super 8. And the acting? Well, it’s generous to call it acting. But it also has the chance of being one of those unpolished little gems that makes us laugh out loud, and hey, these days, anything that can actually make that happen — in our out of the horror genre — is worth a look.

Here’s the trailer. There’s actually going to be a screening of the entire film in Brooklyn, New York (yes, that’s a real place!) this weekend. You can get more info at Fear Town, USA’s twitter account or clicking through to the trailer to their YouTube Channel.

Prepare to be enfrightened! (But please, don’t shit your pants. Please.)