Who would have thought, even a few years ago, that there would be four separate TV series starring zombies? But here we are in 2015, with some of the highest rated shows on network and cable featuring or favorite shamblers. Take that, bloodsuckers and dogboys!
The Walking Dead
The first and still the best zombie show ever, TWD continues to be a beautifully (horrifically?) made drama that is singular in its ruthlessness. Also: totally cool zombie deaths. Did you see Darryl take out three with a single swing of a chain? Their heads went, like, boom! Anyway … back for a series that promises “total chaos,” beginning Sunday Oct. 11 at 9:00 on AMC.
Fear the Walking Dead
Much slower, much more ominous, and a continent away from its spirit-father The Walking Dead, FTWD is much more frightening in its own ways, as we see our own unprepared society slowly crumble, see authority disappear or turn against us, see ‘normal’ humans turn into heros and monsters even before the walkers arrive. The first season just finished, but it’s already been renewed for 15-episode Season 2, beginning nearly next year. (And don’t miss its strange side-prequel web series; the first episode’s already available here.)