by | Feb 24, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider, Uncategorized
It’s time for UnderSunday: The Zombie Edition Truth #1: There are way too many zombie movies. Truth #2: Most of them are unutterably awful. Amateurish, lazy, needlessly gory and humorless OR jokey, precious, needlessly gory and silly. We’re not talking...
by | Feb 21, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
Did you ever wake from a dream you can’t quite remember, but you know it was awful? And it leaves you distracted and weirded out all day? Welcome to Night Vale. There’s a lot of original audio drama available on the intertubes these days, especially in the horror and...
by | Feb 21, 2014 | Blog, New
There’s found footage and then there’s good found footage. And then there’s the iphone… Sick of lame-ass ‘found footage’ movies? We are. But, like Joe Hill’s Twittering from the Circus of the Dead, this upcoming movie – Hoooked Up – may be something just a li’l bit...
by | Feb 21, 2014 | Blog, New, True Horror
“Jimmynut22” of YouTube may only have a few videos on his channel, but when it comes to recent, real-life ghostly encounters, they’re all gold. Here’s the latest one (already viewed by almost half a million people) that’s among the most eerie of its kind. Is it the...
by | Feb 20, 2014 | Blog, New, Uncategorized
It was all so long ago. It was all so beautiful then. And far too many of us here at AmitvyilleNow International HQ actually remember this movie from Saturday Morning TV c. 1960 or so. Look at it: Lloyd Bridges from his Sea Hunt days. Hugh O’Brian from Wyatt...
by | Feb 20, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
There’s a lot to not-like in the trailer for Oculus, the upcoming horror film starring Karen (she’ll always be Amy Pond to us) Gillian. The movie may be good, bad, or indifferent – who’s to say, trailers are works of ‘art,’ to use the term loosely, all by themselves...