by | Apr 4, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
We can understand the lack of the cigarette (damn cancer!), but…girl sidekicks? Self-Doubt? Chauffeurs? Come on… Ryan Turek over at, which knows all and sees all, has cadged a copy of the script for the NBC pilot Constantine. And since...
by | Apr 3, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
Best time travel series ever? Well, it’s up there anyway. And getting really complicated as Season 3 arrives in Amurrica. SyFy has had a spotty record at best when it comes to ‘good’ original science fiction series. We all might argue about...
by | Mar 31, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
Bicker! Backstory! B-Story! Rinse! Repeat! Welcome to Believe Episode 4, with a whole lotta nuthin’ goin’ on. Picking up where we left off last week: still in New York, still a fugitive. But apparently the Worst Pursuit Team Ever has lost faith in...
by | Mar 30, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
There have been a few attempts at “quieter” films about zombies. It can’t all be worldwide epidemics and post-apocalyptic wastelands. And Contracted fills the bill it pretty well. The results have been entirely successful; indies like Portrait of a...
by | Mar 27, 2014 | Blog, New, Slider
There’s nothing particularly wrong with this super-familiar, been-here-done-this, move-along-nothing-to-see-here trailer. Except that it’s supposed to be about the Turtles. And it’s not. Not really. Really, it’s about Michael Bay. He just keeps...
by | Mar 26, 2014 | Blog, New
Phil Hickes (@Hicksey on Twitter) is a writer currently living in New Zealand. He works as a writer in the advertising industry (ahh, haven’t we all?), and he’s had a number of dark fantasy and horror stories published in various sinister tomes...