by | Jul 11, 2014 | Blog, Cosplay, New, Slider
Hard to believe, but the San Diego Comic Con is less than two weeks away. And the thing we love most about it? We admit it: Cosplay. So we’re going to try and feature at least one cool Cosplay pic a day from now til the Con, just to get ramped up for the fun....
by | Jul 11, 2014 | Blog, Dominion Recaps, New
Let’s jump right in. The writers sure did this time: Right into the ER, in fact, ’cause Michael has an angelsword in his gut. But before anything’s resolved, the security folk show up to arrest Lannen for desertion (remember when he escaped from the...
by | Jul 10, 2014 | Blog, New, Uncategorized
SyFy recently went old style Simian Apocalypse with a marathon of the first and original Planet of the Apes cycle, and you can do it yourself any old time. It’s worth it. You can click on the links scattered throughout and watch any one o’ these on Amazon...
by | Jul 7, 2014 | Blog, New, Under the Dome
So butterflies are dangerous, li’l Joe is a psycho-killer, Big Jim’s an evangelist, and Angie is really dead for no known reason. And we should care because …? This is the problem: when the personalities of familiar characters turn on a dime, when a...
by | Jul 7, 2014 | Blog, New, Uncategorized
There are a whole lot of talented young animators, and a whole lot of Evil Dead fans out there, and the two groups have never come together better than here, in this dizzying ‘inside joke’ from Daniel Kanemoto. Daniel M. Kanemoto is an award-winning...
by | Jul 4, 2014 | Blog, Dominion Recaps, New
Episode 3 of Dominion give us traitors galore and lots of symbolic bloodshed this week, though not as much of that cool angel-on-angel action we’ve already come to love. Still, the Son of Whele seems to grow some balls of his own, while Lannen’s vacation...