by | Jul 26, 2014 | Blog, New
We could cheat and just quote basically all of Rob Bricken’s post about Bret Ratner’s Hercules on io9 as if we made it up ourselves. But it’s actually too perfect to steal. So go read it right here. We won’t spoil any of the ‘good’...
by | Jul 26, 2014 | Blog, Cosplay, New
Yes, thank God, there are beautiful women cosplaying all the time. And thank God Comic/novel book writer, Comic & Sci-fi Geek, Photographer, Cosplayer, Traveler AnnaS100 is among them, giving us this beautiful Ms Marvel with just a little more ‘tude than...
by | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog, Dominion Recaps, New
No wing-fu this week. In fact, not a wing to be seen, even among the angels in residence. This week it’s all about parents and children, and oh, how difficult that can be. And it’s a week that will make absolutely no sense if you haven’t seen last...
by | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog, Cosplay, New
As reminded us recently, the idea (and ideal) of a female Thor isn’t exactly new. The deservedly legendary Metal Bra Enthusiasm Toni Darling, as well as the equally legendary Blake Northcott took this pic together a couple of years ago. So who...
by | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog, New, Uncategorized
Our weekly podcast with Hollis and Brad is actually catching on (and we’re as surprised as you are)! We’ve talked about Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles, Robocop, Rosemary’s Baby, Netflix hits and misses, and even had interviews with the stars of Deliver...
by | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog, New
Some weeks the new DVD releases are kind’a patethetic. This week they’re actually pretty interesting – which is good, considering there is absolutely friggin NOTHIN’ on TV. So here: The Hits: FlatlinersFlatliners. Why has it taken so long for this horror classic to...