by | Jul 3, 2015 | Blog, New
There really isn’t a good Revolutionary War sci fi or horror movie out there; most historical horror rapidly tumbles to the level of Dracula vs. Billy the Kid or Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. And sure, The Keep and Dead Snow have their horrific charms. But if you...
by | Jul 1, 2015 | Blog, New, Uncategorized
Take a couple pounds of Road Warrior, mix in a healthy serving of Evil Dead, and sprinkle liberally with your favorite Terry Gilliam movie … and you’ve got Wyrmwood, a completely insane adventure movie that may be one of the best zombie movies of the...
by | Jun 23, 2015 | Blog, New
Seriously: this blood-sword-and-sand battle epic starring, of all people, John Cusack, Adrian Brody and Jackie Chan — yes, yes, Jackie Chan! — looks so awesome it wants to leap off the screen. And it’s poised to leap into the U.S. this fall. Dragon...
by | Jun 22, 2015 | Blog, New, True Horror
Sometimes we have to work to make a story seem creepy. This time, it’s no work at all. Ceres is a dwarf planet – that’s an actual scientific term for a body that’s large enough to be a planet but doesn’t actually orbit the sun in the normal way. NASA sent a special...
by | Jun 21, 2015 | Blog, New
It’s easy to forget that some of the best storytelling in sf/horror is happening in gameplay. But if you need a reminder, look at this amazing trailer for Dishonored 2 that premiered at E3 (who knows when the game will actually drop. Ask our GamerWoman Alice and...
by | Apr 23, 2015 | Blog, New
Hard to believe, but the on-again/off-again “serial killer of the week” series delivered a real, live horror show with a recent episode, and it’s actually work a look. Criminal Minds has been on CBS for nearly 10 years (and yes, it’ll be back...