There really isn’t a good Revolutionary War sci fi or horror movie out there; most historical horror rapidly tumbles to the level of Dracula vs. Billy the Kid or Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. And sure, The Keep and Dead Snow have their horrific charms. But if you want a movie with some actual meat on its rotting philosophical bones, check out Man in the High Castle, the first hour-long episode of the now-in-production series based on Phillip K. Dick’s nightmare about a U.S. where the Axis won World War II years before.
It has intrigue, sudden violence, bravery, oppression, fierce whispers and sacrifice galore…and if you want to spend any real energy speculating on what the world would be like without the United States, for all its flaws, or the real physical and emotional toll that patriotism can take… look no further. We’ll say no more – it’s full of mystery, secrets, and spoiler potential – and though it differs significantly from Dick’s 1962 novel, we’d like to think he’d be happy with the sad, elegant, clever, thoughtful interpretation.
It was made as a pilot for and can be seen for free here. A full first season is in production now. We’ll let you know when word surfaces.