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Usually we hate these “lists,” but this time Josh Winning got it right

Yeah, we get sucked into looking at the “Top Ten” this or that horror- and sci fi-relatedl lists all the time. We can’t help it; we’re pop cult suckers. And most of them are pretty shallow and incomplete; often they’re just plain wrong.

colossus01But once in a while, somebody who actually knows what they’re doing puts something together that makes you go, “Oh, yeah! I remember that!” and even makes you write down a couple of movie you barely remember or never even heard of (EvilSpeak? Lifepod? Where were we that decade).

So hats off to and Josh Willing’s exhaustive and tantalizing “30 Most Evil Movie Computers“. Check out the whoel thing by clicking here. And yes, this is one of ’em: from one of our favorites: Colossus: The Forbin Project. Enjoy! … and after you’ve read the piece, leave us any suggestions, omissions, or corrections in the comments below.