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Best time travel series ever? Well, it’s up there anyway. And getting really complicated as Season 3 arrives in Amurrica.

Continuum-rachel-nichols-3SyFy has had a spotty record at best when it comes to ‘good’ original science fiction series. We all might argue about what’s what, but we’d all agree on one thing: at least half of it is derivative, lightweight, or poorly thought out. Or all of the above, and some would put the number much higher. So when they do it right (i.e., Battlestar Galactica) it’s worth noting.

Thus: Season 3 of Continuum, maybe the best time-travel series since or including Quantum Leap, returns to U.S. TV Friday, April 4 at 10 p.m.

The new season has been showing on the Showcase network in Canada since mid-March, and anyone with a little initiative and some larceny in his or her heart  has seen it already. For the rest of ‘us,’ suffice to say: this show is omcing back with a vengeance (in more ways than one), and more time-wimey twisty-turnies than a bad episode of The Doctor.

If you’ve enjoyed Seasons One and Two, even a little, you’ll love Season Three (so far). If you haven’t, zip on over to Netflix, where you can watch ’em all. (Skip Hulu; all you get is clips). And then this long clip from the first ep of the new season may actually make sense…