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Beauty — or something that could almost pass for elegance — are rare on film at all, and even more rare in movies about the apocalypse. Christopher-Lee dos Santoss’ The Last Broken Darkness is the first truly stylish post-apoc tale since, perhaps, Joon-Ho Bong’s Snowpiercer. It also looks desperate, hypnotic, and pretty darn fascinating.

Christoper-Lee do Santos is a South African prodigy whose completed his first feature film in his mid-twenties. Now he’s exploriong a world of his own making: an Earth long after a devastating storm of meteroes have literally broken the planet, and drive the last few survivors underground, into silo’s and cellars. But now somthing mor is killing the few remainign humans — something even worse that what drove them into the darkness in the first place.

The Last Broken Darkness stars Sean Camera Michael, a formidably tough-looking fellow you might recognize from Black Sails or the USA Cable series Shooter. Darkness is awaiting a release date, but here is its very impressive trailer: